Welcome toSchermCentrum Amsterdam

We're a club of over 200 passionate fencers of all levels, including olympians, national champions, veterans, and recreational fencers. SCA's award-winning trainers provide trainings for all levels, all ages, and all weapons. We train hard and have fun together. Come join us!

More About the Club

We’re entering the summer with great results!

We are again at the end of an amazing season – we hope you enjoyed and had a great time on the strips! Before saying…

Club Championship, NK Equipe and BBQ 2024

Summer is approaching - together with the sun, we bring some news for you!

New Training Schedule and more

We hope you are having a great time now that spring is approaching. With good weather, the new season is also bringing…

General Meeting 2024

On 2 February it is again time for the general meeting (ALV) of SCA. During the ALV the SCA board will look back at…

Learn More

Found out about our Club’s history, training times, and more!